The Female Brain
A brain for communication
Physically, a woman's brain is smaller than that of a man, even after correcting for body size, 'and that he thought for centuries that women were inferior or less intelligent than their male counterparts. Today we know that, despite the smaller size, all have the same number of cells. Therefore, they are tightly packed cells. And are distributed differently. If you stick to a purely physical observation, we see that in the brain centers for language and hearing women are 11% more neurons than men, and also the greater your hippocampus where emotion form and memory. They also have more brain circuitry for language and observing emotions of others. With all that many researchers explain that the female brain that configuration is what makes women more dialogues, more easily able to read the faces of the party and remember best the details that have to do with the sentimental aspect. So many inferred that language and conversation is very important for women. The journalist Teresa stated in his book Old Men. How to use examples of the communication skills of women, saying that better speak foreign languages, they read better and understand before you read, are more verbal fluency using more subordinate clauses, mixing various topics in the same conversation, better vocalize and include feelings in their dissertations. To Louann Brizendine, MD and author of The Female Brain, this body has a unique skill she summarizes: outstanding mental agility, deep involvement in friendship, almost magical ability to read faces and tone of voice as emotions and moods, and ability to defuse conflicts.