martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

How do you know the brain works?

The brain is the organ most unique to humans, but rarely do we stop to think about the importance in the regulation of our daily activities. He regulates our movements, feelings, will, love, learning, our way of being in the world, etc..
Nor do we stop to think that is an organ such as the liver, kidneys or stomach, and that at some point may become ill.
The diseases that affect the brain are of two types: those that affect the structure and functioning, as an injury, tumor, and mental illnesses.
Anatomically the brain is the most voluminous of the brain and is divided by a central groove called longitudinal fissure in the left and right hemispheres, they are joined by the corpus callosum. The surface of each hemisphere has a set of folds forming a series of irregular depressions are grooves or fissures. The willingness to adopt these grooves never the same being the brains of different people, and also adopt different arrangements on both sides of the same brain.
Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into five lobes: the frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital and insula of Reil. Overall, the first four lobes are located underneath the bones that have the same name. Thus, the frontal lobe lies below the frontal bone, the parietal lobe, parietal bone underneath and so on. The insula of Reil not visible on the surface of the brain, because it lies at the bottom of another fissure called Sylvian fissure.
Gradually medicine has been discovering the functions of each lobe. In 1848, an explosion triggered an iron rod into the cheek of a Vermont railroad worker, who was 25 and was named Phineas Gage. The rod was 9.40 inches long by 3 inches in diameter at the thickest end, weighing 6 kg through his brain and out the back of the skull. Gage fell down, but moments later he sat down and started talking. The accident destroyed part of his brain leaving a hole in his head. Gage lived 12 years, but the accident had changed something vital: his personality.
Before his accident, Phineas Gage was friendly and cheerful, a hard worker and a loyal friend. After his accident, he became lazy and quarrelsome. His friends said: "Gage has changed, is no longer himself." His doctor suspected that the change in Gage's personality was due to damage to the frontal lobes of his brain. There was no indication that the first parts of the brain controlling certain types of conduct.
Dear readers, your brain is an organ like the kidney, stomach and heart, can get sick at any time, diseases of the mind are not due to weakness or disability. If you or a family member gets sick of mind, seek a doctor for proper treatment, remember that these diseases impair their personal life, family, work, and social.
The parietal lobe sensitivity is related toToday we know that the frontal lobe is the seat of personality, mental acuity, moral and social attitudes, interest in the medium. It is also known that a lesion or tumor in this lobe can cause seizures, disorders characterized by repeated attacks of stereotypical thoughts, hallucinations, paralysis, irritability, changes in mood and mental acuity, speech defects, distractible, inability to write words and other disorders.
The parietal lobe is related to the sensitivity, their association centers we allow correlation of sensations skin and this makes it possible to recognize with your eyes closed familiar objects placed in their hands. This ability is known as esterognosia; their loss, asterognosia.
The occipital lobe is specialized in all matters relating to vision. An irritative lesion in the occipital cortex can produce visual hallucinations, for example, flashes of light, rainbow, bright stars. Visual defects and seizures preceded by an aura of light or visual hallucinations are characteristic of tumors in the occipital lobe.
The temporal lobe, located below the temporal bone contains the primary auditory area. When there is a lesion in the dominant hemisphere of this lobe produces what is called "sensory aphasia". The patient can hear the spoken or written word but do not understand its meaning. The words blindness (inability to understand written words but the vision is not damaged) parieto may involve injury.
The lobe Insula: is located in the depth of the Sylvian fissure. He knows that if he can be electrically stimulated effects on respiration and blood pressure change.
At the base of the brain lies the brain stem, which governs breathing, cough and heartbeat. Trunk is located behind the brain that coordinates body movement maintain posture and balance. Brain areas governing functions like memory, thinking, emotions, consciousness and personality are much more difficult to locate.
There is another set of structures in the brain and basal ganglia, multiple cores. The Diencephalon that encloses the third ventricle, thalamus and hypothalamus, etc.. While brain structures are I think for a newspaper article is not relevant to describe the function of each of them, also because it is a highly specialized thing.
The memory is linked to the limbic system, located in the center of the brain. With respect to emotions, it is known that the hippocampus controls thirst, hunger, aggression and emotions in general.

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